Today’s goal, get Jekyll working locally on my M1 Mac. To make this extra interesting, I am going to restrict myslef to Ruby 2.7 because, as of this writing that’s what Lambda supports.

I ran into quite a few errors: http-parser wouldn’t compile vexed me for the longest time. There were problems with libffi, as well. I came to the realization that my Home and RBEnv configurations were a combination of x86_64 and arm64. I also had Homebrew and RBEnv entries scattered across ~/.zlogin, ~/.zprofile, and ~/.zshrc. This is a case where a clean install of it all was the best course of action.

I came across a very helpful blog post from February. In it, Alex Manrique describes how to install everything to leverage Rosetta, Apple’s x86_64 emulation layer. While this is clever, I really wanted to get things working with native M1 code. Luckily brew has been hard at work getting things working for the M1.

This is how I got everything working.

  1. Uninstalled Home from /usr/local with /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Deleted everything else under /usr/local, aside from BBEdit tools in /usr/local/bin
  3. Deleted ~/.rbenv
  4. Deleted ~/.zlogin, ~/.zprofile, and ~/.zshrc. Don’t worry, these files only had references to Home and RBEnv.
  5. Re-installed Home using the default method.
  6. Built a new .zprofile, and reloaded it (source ~/.zprofile): export SDKROOT=$(xcrun –show-sdk-path) eval “$(/opt/home/bin/ shellenv)” eval “$(rbenv init -)”
  7. Installed rbenv from ` install rbenv. The documentation is ambiguous to how to add rbenv to the permanent environment; thus the .zprofile` above.
  8. Installed Ruby 2.7.4: rbenv install 2.7.4; rbenv global 2.7.4. I’ll use a more specific version in my actual blog, but we need something to get going.
  9. Lets make sure we are using rbenv: which ruby should be ~/.rbenv/shims/ruby and which gem should be ~/.rbenv/shims/gem.
  10. gem update && rbenv rehash
  11. gem install bundler && rbenv rehash: the Jekyll docs say to use --user-install, but that installs it outside of rbenv; not what we want.
  12. gem install jekyll && rbenv rehash

Much better, no errors!

Now, to breath life back into the blog.

  1. I checked out the blog from my GitHub repo. This already has a Jekyll setup, as I’ve been hosting it on GitHub Pages for a few years.
  2. I created a scratch blog, to see what the latest Gemfile looked like, and updated the “real” Gemfile a bit; mostly providing specific version numbers for jekyll and minima.
  3. from the repo, I ran the standard jekyll commands: bundle install && bundle exec jekyll serve.

And there we go, a local install of Jekyll. I know, this shouldn’t seem like a big deal, and it wasn’t, really. I just had to cleanup my local tools.

Next up, I’ll start working on a CloudFormation template.